Oct 5, 2008

Concert Reviews - Judas Priest

If you plan on going to see Judas Priest in concert anytime soon, prepare to see a lot of 50-year-old bikers and 60-year-old women in black leather corsets; likely all that's holding their old withered bodies in place.

That being said, I give credit to this band. Now that they canned Ripper Owens and have good old gay as always Rob Halford back, well, lets just say that Judas Priest will always be better with Halford.

The show was on the tour for Angel of Retribution, which for a new album from an old band and the first album with their good singer back is not half bad.

For starters, the guys in this band are old. They could probably retire the spandex and just wear jeans at this point, but whatever makes you feel like a rockstar, right? Rob Halford displayed a fantastic assortment of leather jackets and something that appeared to be a stylish Victorian robe (I think my jacket-change count was around 19 at the end of the concert). They had lifts on the stage so Halford could move around and disappear and reappear in all sorts of places.

Halford didn't seem too energetic at first, almost like he had an injury (broke his hip a while back?), or maybe it's just age talking. Don't be fooled though, that man can wail as good as he ever could. He did bring out the bike for one song, which had a rather lovely nostalgic feel to it. The new songs have a lot of old feel to them and the performance was fantastic. There was a great blend of Angel of Retribution along with a great opening with The Hellion/Electric Eye and many more of their old classics that you couldn't go see Priest without hearing and feel good at the end.

If you love this classic metal, then you won't be disappointed in this concert.

Year: 2005
Who I went with: Ronnie Pendleton
Opening bands: Anthrax
Location: Rexall Place (main venue), Edmonton

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