Oct 5, 2008

Concert Reviews - Nightwish (Calgary)

This was originally supposed to be a dual review for the Edmonton/Calgary shows back-to-back but due to time constraints, long weekends, and me being a fucking moron, Edmonton was a no-go.

This was the Passion for North America Tour part II (I'm guessing the concert we saw in October was part I).

The opening band was this strange thing called Sonic Syndicate. They seemed part metal, part punk, and part alternative. The sound was good but it had a bit of the annoying quality that hardcore punk has. They were quite strange to watch too as the girl was being really harcore and it looked like while she was playing she was getting repeatedly punched in the back of the head. They had two vocalists, the stranger of the two looked more like he was giving himself whiplash than headbanging, but overall they sounded pretty good and if you're into that sort of thing, which I am not particularly, then you'd probably like them.

Nightwish started out with opening up with a Hans Zimmer tune from Gladiator and let me tell you, combining Tuomas Holopainen and Hans Zimmer is so good it should probably be illegal. They started out with Bye Bye Beautiful, and played from that CD, The Poet and the Pendulum, Amaranth, Sahara, Whoever Brings the Night, The Islander, to my intense pleasure Last of the Wilds, and to my even greater pleasure, 7 Days to the Wolves.
Anette and Marco playing together with Jukka in the background.
They also brought out some older ones, including Dark Chest of Wonders, Nemo, The Siren, I Wish I Had An Angel, Dead to the World, and one song off either Oceanborn or Wishmaster that I didn't know the name of.

Emppu goofing off any making people smile.
I want to start by telling you how much I love everyone in this band. Anette and Marco talk to the crowd, joke, make fun of themselves, and generally are a feel-good band that not only play good music but make you happy to be around them. Even though the sound quality beside the speakers was shit, you still go crazy because you're so excited and pumped full of adrenaline. Emppu was the one I could see clearest since he was for the most part right in front of us and he doesn't talk onstage but he goofs around while he's playing and interacts with the crowd, doing silly things to make your already enormous grin even bigger. Marco does it too, grabbing Emppu's boob and bugging him while he's playing.
Tuomas playing at the beginning before losing his shirt.
I didn't see Tuomas as well as I would've liked because he's pretty stationary behind keyboards on the other side of the room, but his music speaks for itself. Anette's singing is good in her own way, which is still nothing compared to Tarja but is good and she's a bit of a goof herself, making you unable to really dislike her because she's fun to watch.

Near the end she announced the last song and they actually were... booed on stage? The crowd "turned against them" with unhappiness at this announcement so she jokingly turned over to Marco, who said that they were just lying to make the crowd scream for more. So after they left everyone screamed and demanded their return, so they came back and played 7 Days to the Wolves (which made me SO happy because they didn't play it last time and I was so very let down) and another, ending off with I Wish I Had an Angel, keeping true to the set list they had in Ontario, beginning and ending the same.

This was an intensely good show. I'm sad that I missed the Edmonton but twice is still good for me. I would recommend seeing this band to anyone who has ever heard their music. You may not like Anette as much as Tarja, but I would say that you should go anyways, the music is great and the band is fun. It's a great atmosphere so why not?

Year: 2008
Who I went with: Michael Widmer with guest appearance by Justin Dillman
Opening bands: Sonic Syndicate
Location: MacEwan Hall Ballroom, Calgary
The full band near the end of the show.

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